Saturday, May 10, 2008


OMG, I'm finally free from school! I never have to go back to that bastard place again!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Dig a hole, dig a hole!

I'm digging a hole in my front lawn. Why? Because I'm getting paid for it.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Well Shit. But then on the plus

My dad's smoking. My mom's crying. My little brother has walked out of the house into the dark
and the rain.

And it's kinda my fault.

Me and my little brother were playing a game called Zombies!!!

It was debatable whether i won or not. There was no specific section in the rules to cover the situation. But the upshot of it is, we'd agreed that the loser would tidy up. But i won We had a fight about it. The parents got dragged in, he got sent to his room, i got fined £5.

Then he walekd out of the house into the dark and the rain, and i was made to go search for him

But on the plus side, i'm one day closer to next saturday. I'm gonna meet up with the girl i've already mentioned a few times. Hang out at the movies. Then go back to a place she knows for possible make outs. :). I already drained my mobile of credit chatting to her this afternoon. Despite the ages, i think this may work out.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Yay! I passed the test!

That test i was worrying about? I passed it! with 17/30, it's not a great pass, but it is a pass!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Well.. That's a bit annoying

The girl i've been talking to?

Turns out she lied to me. She's 6 months younger than she said to me. That puts her outside my non-creepy range. She lied, because she was scared that i wouldn't want to talk to her again.
But still. We're going to the cinema Saturday after next. Not as a date, just as friends, going to see a movie together. And we'll take it from there, bit by bit, and just see what happens.

Can't decided on a film yet. The listings at the nearest cinema to us havn't been posted for that day yet

Monday, April 21, 2008

The good and bad in life

Well, I dunno if this is good or bad, but it's spacemonkey's birthday

The good is that I was wrong. The girl i mentioned two posts ago? I was wrong. She is inside my non-creepy range. The bad is she lives miles away.

Another bad is a freind of mine is depressed. Liz, if you're reading this, be safe. The good, i belive she strong enough to make it through the shit in her life.

Another bad is i have a nab tomorrow which i need to pass. The good is, i think i might.

The good: I passed a maths nab with 100%. The bad: I only passed my human biology nab with 92.5%

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Recursing the party

Well, I'm re posting about that party last night.

Like i said, it was my old childminder's 60th birthday party. I went to her from when i was like, 4 years old, to when i was 12, so she was a big part of me growing up. It as fun at the party. I was the oldest of 'her' kids there, 'her' kids being the ones she's ever childminded.

I got high on sweet(thanks for reminding me, I have a party bag somewhere)s, coca cola, and cider, and started playing parachute games with the four year olds: I.e, cat and mouse, and follow the leader. It was insanely good fun.

I tried to dance the slosh at one point. I failed miserably, due to the alcohol in by blood system. But hey, who gives a fuck? It was fun, and about a third of the people on the dancefloor at that point were drunk anyway.

Yay! Party!

I went to my old childminders 60th birthday party today! 'twas fun!

Had a bottle of cider, plenty of cake and sweets, played silly party games with little kids, got the phone number of a really cute girl

Note to self: Must text soon!

Only thing is... She's outside my non-creepy range. I.e: If i were dating her, it would be creepy.

To find out the mimum age of someone you can date (Source:xkcd)

(Your age/2)+7=Minimum age of a person you can date and not be creepy